
We feel that our external paper storage footprint is out of control and not something that we want to be carrying into the future. But given its size and worrying ‘opacity’ we’re a bit at a loss as to how to safely divest ourselves of it.



After last year, lots of firms are feeling the same way. Life in lockdown meant digital ways of working soon became the norm so why regress? Why keep our mountains of paper records in play with all their attendant cost and risk? When you factor in the more general scrutiny of operating expenses including real estate isn’t this the moment to make a bid for freedom?

The main difficulty is that it is such a beast of a problem that there’s a temptation to defer action and put it in the ‘Too difficult’ drawer. That’s what we want to help avoid. And that’s why we put together the Pinnacle IG FileTrail platform.

The platform allows law firms to start tackling their backlog of ageing physical records with confidence and with ease, letting you:

  • Search for and identify records fitting specific criteria (e.g. all records for matters closed 10 years or more, or all records from the 1980s)
  • Set up workflows to notify appropriate reviewers to review and approve records for destruction
  • Automate workflows enabling reviewers to flag which records require further review and/or escalation
  • Capture a complete audit trail of all activity and approvals and generate customised reports on demand
  • Simplify the process of submitting and tracking the status of destruction requests

And just in case you’re still tempted to open the drawer, we can support you with a service wrap and tackle the mountain together.

For more information contact Brian Allan