
I work for a small firm, we are on Enterprise and haven’t finished the procurement process yet so don’t know what we are moving to.  What should we be doing now, if anything, to make it easier?

- D W


There are a number of tasks you can undertake by way of preparation for migration to any PMS.

  • Bring your data hygiene up to scratch by getting rid of duplicates; scoping which data to take across ie archive aged/non-relevant data; and correct inaccurate and malformed data
  • Make sure you system is in balance
  • Review your processes and see where you would like to improve things. For example, internal processes (coloured chits moving around and being signed, bill production and distribution); and labour intensive tasks that could possibly be automated such as Management Reporting packs
  • Review all of your custom reports to identify the obsolete ones
  • Review all of your extended events to identify the obsolete ones
  • Start thinking about the admin – closing all the matters that should be closed, tidying up cost codes.
  • Start thinking of the GL structure – Do you want to keep it the same or change it?
  • List all of your integrations so you are prepared and ready to have them recreated.