Data integrity across applications is key to profitable decision-making in law firms. The costs of bad data also escalate over time, so having a solution and process in place to continuously monitor for issues is much like an insurance policy. Join this product briefing as we show how Data Quality Monitor can help.

Why does data integrity matter?

The best informed business decisions are grounded in facts, but without reliable data, reports don’t make our thinking any better than guesswork.

How can your law firm achieve data integrity?

Automated data health monitoring acts as an insurance, allowing you to intervene as soon as problems from bad data arise and preventing them from escalating or going unnoticed until costly decisions are made which will impact you long term.

About this event

If you have to ask whether you are fully confident in the numbers you are publishing to the business or if you’d know of every instance that your reporting system failed to refresh – this session is for you.

Join Pinnacle as we show you how you can monitor data issues across your applications using a single, filterable dashboard. Using our system agnostic tool, Data Quality Monitor, you can create bespoke, proactive checks that highlight the data issues that really matter to your firm.

Meet the speakers

Tim Kenney

Tony Pullman

Paul Knox