‘The out of the box thinker’, Sadie Baron

When I met Sadie Baron I was immediately in awe of her enthusiasm and off-the-scale creativity.   In fact, I can’t say I’ve come across many people like Sadie. She’s admirably authentic and firmly believes in hiring for attitude over experience. This approach has led her to unlock a whole new type of success for […]

‘How Winners Win – A review of how North American law firms succeed’ released

[23.05.2022, Boston, United States] Today we are releasing our latest review, highlighting international trends in the industry’s proposal management practices and insights from top global law firms. Following the success of our last two reports looking into law firm proposal management process in the UK, we have widened its scope to understand the challenges and […]

‘The man on a mission to integrate lawyers and marketing teams’, Chris Hinze

Speaking to Chris Hinze I quickly realise he’s a man on a mission to integrate lawyers and marketing teams, and quite frankly, I like his style. In Chris’s world partners and the marketing team aren’t separate entities, in fact they work closely together, in order to get things done. He’s down to earth, authentic, honest […]

“The advocate of making those around you greater” Jon Brewer

Christopher Young‘s interview with Jon Brewer.   When I sit down with Jon I immediately sense his integrity. His mantra is ‘being a great leader is about making those around you great.’ And I can see that he lives and breathes this. By his own admission, he’s had a ‘different route’ to where he is […]

‘The inspiration to do more than just law’ Roy Sexton

Tim Kenney‘s interview with Roy Sexton.   When I picture the sort of person who would be heading up marketing for a law firm like Clark Hill, Roy Sexton wasn’t who I had in mind. But I’ll be totally honest: I’m glad. After nearly 20 years of experience in marketing, communications, and business development Roy […]

9 Reasons Why Managed Services Make Sense

Most law firms need skilled resources to undertake part-time or intermittent activities within their business support functions.  The default solution is to make these tasks part of an individual’s role, rather than to entrust them to an external expert on a managed service basis. But too often it’s a solution found lacking and here’s why: […]

Degrees of Innovation

The latest issue of Briefing is focused on innovation, a word which means different things to different firms. Some 15 years ago, in a previous life in the angel investment arena, I heard Simon Woodroffe, founder of YO! Sushi, speak. He talked about making a 1% improvement in his life every day – it being […]

Webinar: CRM Success Series Part 3.

  3: Driving Operational Improvements and Efficiencies You’ve defined success and aced your CRM implementation. Your users are actively using the new system and successfully accomplishing their goals. What now? You’re about to experience the broader impacts of CRM across the firm that stem from operational success, the third pillar of Pinnacle’s Success and Value […]